
Monday, April 18, 2011

Major Milestone!!

I am so happy to be able to say that after 3 months of bottles, Cora has started breastfeeding!  She started on Friday, and has just gathered steam ever since.  She is already pretty much refusing to take bottles from me (although she'll still take them from Nick), which is crazy since I've heard that it can happen, but didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Of course, it's a lot trickier to know how much she's getting, and being the fastidious chart-happy milliliter counting parents we've been it's almost disconcerting.  She hasn't gained in the past 2 days, but we're hoping that she'll continue on and actually start gaining weight.

I really didn't expect this to happen.  Okay, so I hoped, but I was trying not to weigh too much of my happiness on it.  So I am thrilled.

Otherwise not much else to say.  We went to the pediatrician today, which went really well.  She is healing beautifully and her incision scab is almost completely gone.  She has been less fussy at night, which is welcome.  She even napped really well today, which she hasn't been doing lately.

And of course, I have to post her cutest pictures from the last couple of days.  My sister Mira who is trekking through Thailand and Vietnam has asked for a new video, so I will work on that one soon.  It will probably be much easier to capture her smiles in motion.


  1. Great news, Leah! A major milestone indeed. You will soon get used to not knowing how much she is taking in (a good general rule of thumb is that is she seems satisfied after a feeding -- not fussy or "searching" for food -- she is probably getting enough). This might be a good time to find a local Breastfeeding support group. The one at my hospital saved me. They usually have scales so you can weigh her, feed her, then weigh her again if you're concerned about gain. FYI, around month 4, breastfed babies' weight gain typically levels off, so don't freak out (like I did) when/if that happens. But until then enjoy this major victory!!

  2. !!! Congratulations! That's so great. I am really happy for you and Cora. :)

  3. Leah, this makes me cry. I am so proud of you and cora! This is both effort and luck and a true success story on the breastfeeding front! Also the last picture is just amazing.

  4. really great to hear this ... and she looks fantastic! like, what surgery?? so cute!

  5. Yippee!! I am so proud of you for sticking through and trying! FYI, I can completely relate to the stress that accompanies exclusively breast-feeding and I want to say that it gets better over time. I tried not to focus on the amounts and let Calvin nurse as long as he wanted and put him to breast often. He dribbled too for a few months after OHS so that was a mess but that is resolved now (he's 9 months). Keep at it! Yay! Let me know if you have questions :)

  6. Oh, and Calvin has really only gained 3-3.5 lbs since surgery 5 months ago: It is slow and our littles tend to be small, so that weight gain just does not happen the way of their typical peers.

  7. Hurray! Gabby just pointed to Cora and said "predi beb". Yes, Gabby, pretty baby indeed!!!


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