
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

31 for 21- Day 19: Wednesday Fun

It's been a day of fun under our Western Oregon overcast dreary skies. For that we are thankful, since we can expect a lot of wet over the next few months. Dry is great, since it gives me and Cora some outside fun, which she LOVES.

For us, it's a great time of year. Less sun is not too bad when you're pretty much lacking pigmentation, a trait that Cora will one day most likely not be thanking me for.

The worst of her cold seems to have passed, so we've been passing the day giggling like little fiends. For some reason things are very funny to Miss Cora today. She cracked up for quite a while playing peekaboo today along with some of my own creative variations. Oh what I wouldn't give to have a video camera installed on my forehead for those occasions.

She has also started this new game that I get a huge kick out of. I've been trying to teach her to clap for some time. While she likes it when I clap her hands together with a "yay!" she LOVES it when I clap mine. For a while she's been holding onto my hands when I clap. But in the past couple of days, she's started to pull my hands together and push them apart to make me clap. Laughing all the way, ha! ha! ha! You think kids with Ds aren't smart?! This little girl is clever!! She also moves my hands for peekaboo, although won't use her own. Funny little trickster she is!

I leave you with some hilariously cute photos from our outdoor excursion today. Yes, she's pretty much the most adorable thing ever! And maybe tomorrow I'll up the ante and start posting about more serious, real Ds things. Or maybe not...


  1. Someone definitely had fun outside with her momma! Too cute! We had rain and gloom today...

    I snickered at the thought of a camera strapped to your forehead...I've thought the same thing though!

  2. Very good post - got a good laugh from this one ;--)

  3. Blog hopping (a little late!). Love the pics of your little one. She is so cute! :)


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