
Thursday, October 27, 2011

31 for 21- Day 27: What I Wish People Would Get About Down Syndrome

"They think we love our kids in spite of the fact that they have Down syndrome. They don't realize we just love them."  These are the words of Melissa Kline Skavlem, a cyber-friend that has been such a great support to me and to many other new parents on the BBC Ds board.  These words have stuck with me in the months since I first read them.

Of the many things that I hope that people will come to learn and understand about Down syndrome, this is the biggie.  We don’t need your pity.  Our babies are not burdens.

Cora has already taught me more about love, compassion, patience and acceptance than anyone I’ve met, and she’s only 9 months old.

I won’t pretend to be an expert on this whole thing, motherhood or parenting a child with a disability, since I’m not even a year into it.

But what I know is that my life is infinitely better for having Cora in it.  And all the parents I’ve met online, in person and in print seem to feel the same way.  There is a reason that the new studies show that the overwhelming majority of people with Ds and their families are happy with their lives.

Because we are.  So know that.  And don’t feel sorry for us.

Emptying the camera today I found this video from a week or so ago. I love it, since Cora displays some of her new silly scrunched up faces, spits out her food, and peeks at me over the camera.  Pretty cute for a girl in bedhead and pajamas. Pretty cute for anyone.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!