
Monday, November 7, 2011

Prayers for McKenzie

I started this blog as a way to connect Cora to friends and family that aren't as lucky as I am to see her every day.  And I also hoped to one day be a support to other parents of children with Ds as they go through some of the experiences we've had.  I am blessed to have already been contacted by other parents and am happy that I can be a source of support, even though our own journey into this is still relatively new.

I have recently been in touch with Margaret, mother to her beautiful surprise, 7 month old McKenzie Faith.  She is loved and adored by her mother, three older brothers, Will, Matt and Andrew and by her 3-year old nephew and 2 sisters-in-law.  Her family has just made the 5 hour trip to the hospital in New Mexico for her repair.

Today McKenzie is in pre-op and tomorrow she will have surgery to repair an AVSD (or AV canal) heart defect.

Please send her family your thoughts and prayers as they wait for their baby to go through this life-changing and much-needed surgery.  Having been there ourselves 7 months ago, support and thoughts from the world outside are so helpful.  Please pray for McKenzie's surgeon to do a quick and thorough repair, and for her recovery to be full and speedy.

We're thinking of you McKenzie.


  1. Dearest Leah, Cora, and of course Nick, thank you again. Leah beautiful words. I truly pray all this will be behind us very soon!!! Thank you for thinking about us, and sharing a space with us on your page. Our best to you!!! McKenzie and family....

  2. Many prayers for you sweet precious girl for a successful surgery and speedy recovery!

  3. Sending prayers to McKenzie and family for a smooth surgery and recovery!

  4. Saying prayers now for McKenzie, her family and the hospital staff taking care of her!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!