
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Big Girl

We spent Cora's second birthday just the three of us in a very Cora-centric day.  It was a blast.

The day started with a surprise video from her cousin Kai, who happily sang her parts of Happy Birthday and told "Can't wait to see you, Towa!"

We celebrated by doing all the things we thought Cora would love to do.  Instead of a cake, we started off the day with a birthday cinnamon bun.  But Cora wasn't that into it, so she got her very favorite food instead:  a bagel with cream cheese.

"Mama, what is this? Can I please have a bagel?"

Then we took her to OMSI (the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) where there is an incredible play area for young kids. She had a blast in the pre-walker area and took over the ball pit.  Then she ran into her favorite musician, Matt, AKA Talullah's Daddy.  Look how excited she was to see him!

"Hey!  I know you!  But where's your guitar?"

She explored the sand area, the big wooden blocks, the market and kitchen complete with tons of toy food, the water play area and more.

But it was no surprise to us that she gravitated right to the book corner, where she happily sat in Daddy's lap and devoured all the science books.  Have I mentioned that science is in her genes?

Once at home, she opened some gifts.  Books, mostly.  She was pretty excited to get some new ones by her favorite author, Eric Carle.

And she got a new simple shape puzzle, as she continues to learn about shapes.

We finished off the day with her favorite pizza and some episodes of Signing Time.

A lovely day with our happy little 2 year old girl. 

And the birthday fun will continue.  My sister is flying into town soon, so we'll be celebrating both Cora and her cousin Kai's birthdays with a a bash pretty soon.

Stay tuned!


  1. What a sweet day for a sweet girl! Sounds perfect!

  2. awww Happy birthday to sweet Cora! Sounds like the perfect day celebrating. (-:

  3. Now that sounds like my kind of celebration! What a lovely day for such a lovely, sweet girl! Your museum sounds fantastic and if we ever make our way out there, we'll definitely check it out.

  4. Samantha's favorite is a bagel with cream cheese, too. :-) I'm having so much fun watching Cora grow up! It seems like yesterday she was just a little baby. What a fun day!

  5. Happy birthday Cora! It looks your day was super special! Where did your mom find that puzzle? She's been looking for one for Ben.

  6. Sounds like it was a wonderful day :)


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