
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Team Cora Bean! Getting Ready for the Buddy Walk!

We've been getting excited for the Buddy Walk around here.  We've got grandparents coming into town, aunts and uncles, and even an old classmate of mine from Junior High who's coming down with her little girl (a veteran Buddy Walker) to support our little Cora for her first ever walk.  And we've got some great local peeps who will be joining us too.

It seems like this week is going by ever so slowly.

Cora is gonna put on her walking shoes (um... socks and her favorite baby sling, I mean).  We'll be ready!

If you are interested in joining Team Cora Bean on Saturday, let us know, or sign up here!. Donations are still accepted too!


  1. Happy Walking! Cora Bean is to CuTE...go team Cora!! smiles

  2. Yay Team Cora Bean!!! We are hoping to participate in our Buddy Walk in Cincy next year.

  3. We'll see you there- looks like it's going to be a nice day!


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